Losing weight can be one of the most difficult challenges you will face in life. Fighting cravings to eat unhealthy foods. Resisting the temptation to be lazy and watch TV rather than getting some exercise by taking the dog for a walk or going for a jog. It is hard to change your eating habits, you like the food you eat or you wouldn't eat it. A weight loss program requires a lot of willpower and you need to be mentally prepared for that in order to win the battle, lose weight and reach your goals. As you can see, motivation and mindset for weight loss are crucial. While exercise and healthy eating are just as crucial, without mental preparedness you will never achieve your weight loss goals. The person who understands this will ultimately be victorious. So be like a good little boy scout and 'be prepared'.
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One of the most helpful weight loss tools for motivation during a weight loss program is a weight loss goal setting worksheet. This simple little worksheet will help you prepare yourself mentally for the challenges ahead. The purpose of this worksheet is to get you to write down your weight loss goals. It's great to write these goals down and place them in a prominent location as this makes your goals seem more real and provides a reminder for you whenever you see them. A great place to display your worksheet is on the fridge. That way, whenever you are tempted to indulge in a snack you will see it where it can encourage you to either skip the snack altogether or at least choose a healthy snack rather than one that is high in sugar, fat and calories.
A weight loss goal setting worksheet should contain several components including; Start date, start weight, goal weight, goal size, goal period, reason/motivation, future goals and milestones.
Here is a more detailed description of each of these components.
Start date: The date you started your weight loss plan. Start weight: Your weight when you started. Goal weight: What weight do you want to reach? For example, if you are 200 pounds now and you want to reach 150 pounds then 150 pounds is your goal weight. Ensure that this is an achievable weight that takes your height and body shape into account. Your doctor can advise you of an appropriate goal weight according to your BMI. Goal size: As with your goal weight. If you are currently size XXL and want to be an M (medium) then this is your goal size. Again, this figure should be achievable and healthy. Goal period: The length of time in which you want to reach your goal weight? Needs to be practical. If you want to lose 100 pounds then don't have a goal period of 12 weeks, as that is more than 8lbs per week, an almost impossible figure to achieve. Your goal period should aim for no more than 2lbs weight loss per week. Reason/motivation: Why do you want to lose weight? What is your motivation? Maybe your weight is affecting your health, putting strain on knees that have arthritis, onset (type 2) diabetes etc. Maybe you want to improve your health in order to live longer for the sake of your family and children. Maybe you're getting married and just want to look your best. Future goals: Is there anything you want to be able to do after you lose weight that you can't do now? Play a sport? Run around the park playing with your kids. Getting back into your favorite outfit? Milestones: Sometimes it helps to take notes of milestones like when you reach a significant weight milestone or get back into a pair of jeans that hasn't fitted you for six months. Or when you can climb that flight of stairs without huffing and puffing and having to rest for ten minutes after doing it. Reaching milestones makes you feel good about yourself and motivates you to continue.
As you can see, the worksheet is fairly comprehensive. Writing it and displaying it in a prominent location will help you remain motivated to achieve your weight loss goals.
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